Selling a house can be a lengthy process that takes a lot of effort and contains no small amount of frustration. For you will be competing against many other sellers with similar houses having similar features. And that means you’ll have a hard time making your listing stand out if you just use traditional marketing methods. You can, however, up your odds and have a little fun along the way with these creative marketing strategies to sell your Roseburg house.
Create a Virtual Tour
Growing in popularity and proven effective, virtual tours, while moving toward the mainstream, remain one of the better creative marketing strategies to sell your Roseburg house. A virtual tour can be a virtual open house, a 3D floor plan, or even a live stream of a day in your home. Your realtor can provide suggestions on how to create and where to share your virtual tour, but do be sure to post it on YouTube and share the link on all your social media pages. Remember: 77% of all home buyers begin their home search online.
Offer a Free Bonus
It works for selling everything else from cars to online courses, so why wouldn’t it work for selling houses – that is, throwing in a free bonus to sweeten the deal. For example, when a certain business owner wanted to sell his suburban house to move into the city, he knew he wouldn’t need his Nissan Maxima anymore. So he advertised the house for sale and put out signs saying, “Car comes with the house!” And his house sold in only three days.
Now you don’t have to offer something as expensive as a car to reap the benefits of this one of our creative marketing strategies to sell your Roseburg house. It could be, instead, throwing in for free something like the patio furniture, something that naturally goes with the home. The point is . . . “free” is a powerful word.
Offer a Facebook Reward
Another of the proven creative marketing strategies to sell your Roseburg house involves Facebook for very wide exposure. Here’show this strategy works . . .
You post your real estate listing on Facebook and then let all your FB friends know about it, offering a reward for any share of your listing that results in the sale of your home. The reward doesn’t have to be extreme, but it does need to be large enough to offer some genuine incentive for sharing. It could be, for example, a gift card with $100 dollars or so loaded on it. There have been reward offers of as much as $1,000 – a small amount to pay out, really, in order to sell a $150,000 home quickly.
If you want to try this, just make sure to put your privacy settings to Public. You might even try some paid Facebook ads for even wider reach.
Craigslist Still Works
Marketing through Craigslist is so old that it’s almost new again – and it still works. After all, Craigslist gets 50 billion pages views every month. But you do have to have some essential ingredients to make it work.
You absolutely have to have a compelling headline, and the body text of your ad must deliver on the promises hinted at in the headline, as well as including all the relevant keywords. You also need quality photos that display your home in the best possible way. And, finally, you have to post ads at the optimal times.
Using these creative marketing strategies to sell your Roseburg house, you can stand above the competition and make your marketing efforts more efficient and more effective.